Season 2

Episode 45: Fertility Preservation and Gender-Affirming Care

Episode 45: Fertility Preservation and Gender-Affirming Care

Fertility preservation for those undergoing gender-affirming transition is an important area of reproductive medicine. In this episode, Anne and Ruby are talking with Dr. Lynn Davis about how fertility options may be dependent on age, the gametes involved (i.e. sperm or eggs) and the stage of gender-affirming care.

Episode 44 – Fertility Preservation after a Cancer Diagnosis

Episode 44 – Fertility Preservation after a Cancer Diagnosis

A diagnosis of cancer or other serious condition is bad enough — dealing with tests, treatments, insurance, uncertainty, as well as the illness — but knowing that the condition or its treatments can also cause infertility…. It just feels so horribly unfair.

The good news is for many, that diagnosis doesn’t have to equal the end of fertility. The landscape for patients has changed. In this episode, Ruby and Anne talk with fellow Seattle Reproductive Medicine provider and reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Lynn Davis about options for preserving fertility.

Episode 43: More needles?! Acupuncture and fertility treatment

Episode 43: More needles?! Acupuncture and fertility treatment

The founder of Rosefinch Health, Dr. Lee is an award-winning doctor of acupuncture and a leader in the field of integrative reproductive medicine. She blends compassionate care with over two decades of clinical experience specializing in fertility, IVF support, pelvic and vulvovaginal pain, and cancer-related support.

Snack 83: Letting Go

Snack 83: Letting Go

Note: This episode contains news on the future of The Whole Pineapple podcast, so be sure to tune in!

Snack 82: Equal Playing Fields

Snack 82: Equal Playing Fields

In this episode, we hear the realities of being an athlete in a female body: not just the realities of dealing with a cycle or having a more limited window for having a family, but also the cultural limitations (just wait until you hear Nikki’s story about the “shared” ice/hot baths in Chicago, oooof). The biggest battles often aren’t against an opposing team.

Snack 80: The Vaginal Microbiome

Snack 80: The Vaginal Microbiome

OK, we knew the human gut had one of these, but the vagina too? What’s actually going on in there?

Microbiomes are incredibly diverse ecosystems: we are more bacteria than we are human. Yep. Read that again — there are more bacteria in us than human cells. You, my friend, are a moving, breathing microcosm that is incredibly cooperative when you’re healthy.

Episode 41: Whole Person Fertility Care

Episode 41: Whole Person Fertility Care

As nutrition often isn’t included in fertility advice or treatment in many places (looking at YOU, USA), this episode can be particularly useful for those who want to optimize their health and physical condition to support a healthy pregnancy.

Snack 79 Fertility through the Decades: Middle School to Menopause

Snack 79 Fertility through the Decades: Middle School to Menopause

As anyone born with a uterus will tell you, living in a body equipped with one of these and all that goes with it comes with a special set of challenges. And many of us don’t really know all we need to know, so think of this episode as a sort of Owner’s Manual.

So what do we need to know through the decades of our life?

Snack 77: Starting Over

Snack 77: Starting Over

In this episode, Anne and Jamie are discussing exactly this topic, as Jamie announces a big and exciting change in her life (and yes, you’ll have to listen to find out what it is, but it’s good).

One big takeaway here is that there are two coping strategies most of us tend to fall into when confronted with big change: avoidance and control. Do we duck the change that’s coming until we realize we really can’t breathe with our heads in the sand? Or do we take control (maybe a bit too much, sometimes)? Or do we vacillate between the two, making ourselves and those around us a little bonkers?

Snack 76: How to Help When Everything You Say is Wrong

Snack 76: How to Help When Everything You Say is Wrong

Though attention generally focuses on the one hoping to get pregnant, partners are suffering too. They’re sad and scared and hurting, but their attempts to help are perhaps a bit clumsy because they often can’t understand the ramifications of fertility treatment on the body, the heart, and the psyche.

Snack 75: Happy Birthday, Louise Brown!

Snack 75: Happy Birthday, Louise Brown!

July 25, 1978 was a great day, and not just because July 25 is Ruby’s birthday. This particular day in 1978, the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born!

Snack 74: How Patients Can Advocate for Access to Care

Snack 74: How Patients Can Advocate for Access to Care

What can people who aren’t professional lobbyists do to make our voices heard?

According to Sean Tipton, you can do exactly that – you can make your voice heard. Register to vote and then vote. Talk to candidates for political offices, especially when they’re in an election season, as they’re most likely to listen at that time. You have a right to be heard, so get in there and get talking.

Snack 73: Talking Yourself (& Your Vacuum) Off a Cliff

Snack 73: Talking Yourself (& Your Vacuum) Off a Cliff

In this episode, Jaime and Anne discuss how emotions need wiggle room, they need to move. You can’t just push emotions away and expect them to stay gone. Complaining to a patient friend, writing it out in a journal, pummeling a punching bag — those things can allow you to vent rather than explode, stop catastrophizing, and get that feeling of being in control back.

Episode 37: Termination of Pregnancy for Medical Reasons

Episode 37: Termination of Pregnancy for Medical Reasons

Content Warning: This episode focuses on pregnancy loss and termination of pregnancy for medical reasons. If you’re not in the right headspace to hear this episode, we suggest you skip ahead and come back if and when you’re ready. Please take care of you.

Worst-case scenarios suck. There’s no way around that. But one way to make it suck slightly less is to be sure everyone involved is invited into the tough conversation about termination of pregnancy (TOP) for medical reasons. When the bad news is fresh is a really tough time to make a decision; having a planned path can at least remove some of the pressure.

Episode 36: Sex: the final frontier with Kelly Casperson

Episode 36: Sex: the final frontier with Kelly Casperson

In this episode, Dr. Casperson talks with Ruby and Anne about how couples can work together toward good, satisfying, enjoyable sex. As the doc says, you don’t say, “I don’t like movies” when you only watch horror films, right? So maybe it’s time to try some different varieties.

Snack 69: Try Before You Bi-Opsy: Why, When, & How Do We Test Embryos

Snack 69: Try Before You Bi-Opsy: Why, When, & How Do We Test Embryos

Did you know: We can take cells from the outside of an embryo and test them?

Formerly, “embryo biopsies” were done only if there was a risk of serious disease like cystic fibrosis. It wasn’t routinely done because taking a cell or two from an embryo that is only 8 cells brought with it the possibility of damaging the embryo.

Snack 67: Show me the money – applying for infertility grants

Snack 67: Show me the money – applying for infertility grants

If you don’t qualify for a Roaring Adventures grant, don’t despair! The organization can help you find resources elsewhere. Do be cautious, however; you’re sharing a lot of personal information and often paying a fee when you apply for a family grant. Make sure the organization you’re approaching is legitimate.

Episode 34: Roaring Adventures: Fertility for First Responders

Episode 34: Roaring Adventures: Fertility for First Responders

Seven long years and nine devastating losses before finally having a daughter inspired Mollie to help military and first responders with family building. Why this population in particular? First, her daughter’s story includes ties to the military, and second, this population tends to suffer infertility at higher rates than civilians. And often fertility treatments — even for our military and first responders — are not covered (or fully covered) by insurance.

Snack 66: I’m Just Here To Do My Job: Coping with Work Triggers

Snack 66: I’m Just Here To Do My Job: Coping with Work Triggers

How do you feel when fertility issues come up at work? Someone puts a baby photo on their desk, a colleague is pregnant, invitations to a baby shower or to contribute to a baby gift float around — these can be hurtful for those dealing with fertility challenges, but asking someone to put their baby photos away or refusing to participate in a celebration are often just not an option.

Snack 65: Do Your PT Homework!

Snack 65: Do Your PT Homework!

So what can you do to get “better functional coordination” in the very complicated network that is the pelvic floor? Well, first, it’s important to know what you’re working with, says Abby. (NOTE: The best way to do this is work with a PT so you learn all the things correctly!) But one way to start is to pay attention to your breathing. Where is the expansion and contraction happening?

EpISODE 33: More Than Just Kegels

EpISODE 33: More Than Just Kegels

Many people believe that pelvic floor issues are limited to people who have had multiple pregnancies, but that’s just not true. Everyone can benefit from being in tune with that part of their body and checking with a PT for the right way to keep the pelvic floor healthy (hint: not just Kegels, and NOT CRUNCHES).

Snack 64: A Listener’s Story

Snack 64: A Listener’s Story

In this special episode, a Whole Pineapple listener shares her journey and struggles through secondary infertility.

There are lots of special concerns in this situation: when you have a first, people don’t worry about asking when you’re going to have another the way they might hesitate to ask about a first. There’s guilt about potentially having a “lonely only.” And what about as parents age, is it “wrong” to leave all the responsibility of caretaking on one child?

Snack 62: Infertility in Fiction

Snack 62: Infertility in Fiction

In this snack, Ruby and Anne look at several examples of fertility “tropes” that show up again and again in drama, and we reckon a lot of them will feel familiar to you.

Snack 60: When the superbowl isn’t super: Casual triggers

Snack 60: When the superbowl isn’t super: Casual triggers

In this episode Anne and Jamie Mammenga talk about how to gently, politely extricate yourself from a situation where you don’t feel safe or supported. Whether you went to get more nachos you really didn’t want, or remembered a task or meeting you urgently needed to attend to, Anne and Jamie said to give yourself permission to walk away.

Snack 59: Changes in state laws

Snack 59: Changes in state laws

In this snack, hosts and guest are tackling specifics around frozen embryos: who do they belong to, how did the Dobbs decision change the laws, do people need to be shipping their embryos to states that are more aligned with their needs and beliefs?

Episode 30: Read the Fine Print

Episode 30: Read the Fine Print

Is sperm from sex “donated”? Welcome to a crossover episode with podcaster Ellen Trachman, host of I Want to Put a Baby in You. Lawyer by trade, reproductive technology advocate at heart, Ellen Trachman is the founder and managing attorney at Trachman Law Center LLC.

Snack 58: PAVING the Path Through Menopause with Michelle Tollefson

Snack 58: PAVING the Path Through Menopause with Michelle Tollefson

Puberty in reverse – Welcome to menopause! Like those tumultuous adolescent years, you may feel like a tourist in your own changing body. And it’s not necessarily a fun destination, with hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and the longer-term dangers of osteoporosis and increased heart disease risk.

Snack 7: 23 & Your Ancestry

Snack 7: 23 & Your Ancestry

In this snack, Ruby, Anne, and guest genetic counselor Rachel Donnell tackle the question: What’s wrong with a commercial test? Answer? There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as you treat it as a fun way to learn more about yourself, and NOT as a medical diagnosis.

Episode 29: My embryos are mosaic? Interpreting your PGT results

Episode 29: My embryos are mosaic? Interpreting your PGT results

In this episode, Ruby and Anne are talking with one of SRM’s genetic counselors: Rachel Donnell. Rachel is a certified genetic counselor with 7 years of clinical experience in the infertility setting and a whole lot of experience explaining genetics and genetic testing to patients.

Snack 56.5: What is PGT?

Snack 56.5: What is PGT?

PGT or “preimplantation genetic testing of embryos” – even the name is complicated. But, as we’re having a genetic counselor come in to talk about testing and what the results mean, we thought a little primer on the science would help everyone understand the longer episode better.

Snack 56: IVF Is Confusing AF!

Snack 56: IVF Is Confusing AF!

In this short snack, Ruby and Anne talk about what IVF or in vitro fertilization is, and how it works if you and your fertility provider decide it’s the best treatment path for you.

Snack 55: Sensory Overload in Fertility Clinics

Snack 55: Sensory Overload in Fertility Clinics

Patients know that advocating for themselves can be necessary to getting the best medical care, but it can be really difficult for some to be understood when they express themselves — hence this very important conversation! Neurodivergent peoples may communicate their discomfort differently, so it’s truly helpful if clinics are more educated and neurodiversity-friendly.

Episode 28: Neurodiversity in Fertility Care

Episode 28: Neurodiversity in Fertility Care

In this conversation with Dr. Kristen Chambliss, Ruby, Anne, and Dr. Chambliss tackle many of the misconceptions rooted in our culture when it comes to a diversity of neurotypes.

Snack 54: Taking a Break

Snack 54: Taking a Break

One way to start feeling better is, honestly, to take a break. Take some time off from fertility treatment – it can be a few weeks, a cycle or two, whatever amount of time you need – so you can come back ready, refocused, and with more resilience in your tank.

Snack 51: “Pink Line Addiction” & Breaking Patterns

Snack 51: “Pink Line Addiction” & Breaking Patterns

One of our wonderful listeners sent us a question to ask if others experience what she called “Pink Line Addiction.” While “Pink Line Addiction” is a great band name, this concept of frequent home testing can really impact your life.

Snack 50: Fertility Mood Music 

Snack 50: Fertility Mood Music 

Anne and Ruby share some science behind why music is so powerful in helping us manage Big Emotions like fear, uncertainty, and joy. Anne and Ruby have (quite) different musical tastes and are drawing from different perspectives.

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